Typical Democratic valor and values. Of course MSNBC is trying to make it look good for Billy the womanizer. What a jerk the reporter is! And the liberals always talk about passion. Albeit, only if it fits their agenda. The demeanor of MSNBC is pathetic and condescending.
Her book is not doing great, but she made a lot of money with an oversized advance of $14 mil, no less. This is just a sneaky way for Simon & Schuster to contribute to her campaign and escape standing laws on political contributions. A typical Clinton dirt in your eyes.
Optics or just stupidity? After delivering, begrudgingly, a very somber speech about one of the beheading, our great leader got on this little cart and exactly 8 minutes he was photographed swing the little ball.
Spoken by a man who never created or ran so much as a candy store," FOX News contributor Charles Krauthammer said in response to President Obama criticizing individual achievements in business this weekend.
Ron Brown was Bill Clinton's Secretary of Commerce. He was killed in 1996 in a plane crash in Croatia. In his funeral, Clinton, not really caring about the sobriety of moment, was just laughing it up and was caught in the hypocrisy. Were you as a low information voter aware that this ever happened?
Clinton was indicted and convicted of perjury, his law license was suspended for five years and fined $25,000. He was also barred from practicing law in the Supreme Court. All this came after his impeachment. Didn't you know that?
One thing is to be pro abortion or to be against abortion. But Mr Obama as a senator, a botched abortion, where the baby had survived, was not to be rescued as it was already outside of the womb. He voted three times to put the heart-beating baby on a table to let him die. Incredible!
More lies after lies. Again, it was because the media was trying to elect the first black president over the first woman. It was lies that elected Mr Obama. However, all the animosity will be over soon as we may be on to elect, OH GOD, another democrat; Hillary.
We should have voted for Tweedledee instead of Tweedledum. But worry not, you may get another chance on 2016 to vote for your Hillary. Democrats broke the barrier for the first black, now they are looking for the first woman. Symbolism over Substance.
This is one of the many times Obama has changed his "opinion" for true political expediency. Another case of hypocrisy as his predecessor, Bill Clinton. This happened on 8/16/2008 in a debate hosted by Rick Warren of the Saddleback church in Forest, Ca.